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Futsal has two key governing bodies - the Asociaci�n Mundial de F�tsal (AMF) and F�d�ration Internationale de Football Association (FIFA).
The International Futsal Alliance (IFA) also offers high quality futsal tournaments around the world. Here are some of the key Futsal events.
First held in 1989, the FIFA Futsal World Cup is the pinnacle of the sport that features the world�s best internatioanl futsal teams. Held every four years, 24 teams compete for the highly coveted trophy.
The competition is organised by FIFA and adopts the standard format of group round-robin matches, with the two top teams from each group entering the knockout stage.
Organised by UEFA, the Futsal Champions League is an annual competition for the best club teams in Europe.
The competition was founded in 2001 to replace the Futsal European Club Championship. The competition usually takes place between August and November and more than 50 teams fight their way to a final four knockout stage.
Futsal once again emulates soccer with the UEFA Futsal Championship. The competition is the equivalent of the European Championship, bringing together the best Futsal nations in Europe.
Up until 2024, the event was bi-annual. It will now be held every four years with 16 qualifying teams. Spain are generally the team to beat having been multiple winners of the tournament.
The first ever UEFA European Women's Futsal Championship was held in February 2024 and was won by Spain in Portugal.
Twenty-three national teams entered the tournament�s qualifying stage. This was whittled down to a final four and was hugely exciting to watch.
Only slightly older than its European spin-off, the FIFA Women�s Futsal World Tournament kicked off in 2010. The event takes place every four years.
Brazil have been the dominant force, but with more women taking up Futsal their supremacy may be challanged in the future.
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